2008年2月10日 星期日

業績高手- 銷售大師西佛曼的26個智慧

I never read Stephen Schiffman's books before, only know that he is a famous trainer of sales by cold calling. After reading the book, I think this book is actually very good because it offers very simple ways for a salesperson to determine which of your prospects are actually interested and which of them are just wasting your time. Schiffman included actual case examples from his company, including some of their failures and how they corrected them. I realized that I've been spending a lot of time on prospects who aren't going to buy from me, but act like they might and I've also realized that perhaps I haven't done my homework and given them great reason to, such as cold calling or making a more effective close.

Some tips behind in this book and suggests ways to move you and your prospect along in the sales cycle. If you're a salesperson frustrated with the deals you've lost or the deals you were never even in on in the first place, read this book. I found many helpful suggestion in setting up a proper Prospect Management System. It took my 4 weeks( read it slowly and intermittently) and its well worth the time. However, as one said" All Sales Strategy/improvement courses/books are very simple. The problem is that 90% of sales people don't pick up a book in any given year to improve their performance and, of the other 10% who read a book or do something to try and improve their sales results, 90% of them fail to apply what they have learned on a consistent basis. That means that 99% of people fail to improve their results via books/courses! "

I want to be 1% of people, who read, apply and get success in final.