2007年12月22日 星期六
經營客戶的藝術- 專業業務一定要會的54件事
When I bought this book, I envisioned a more advanced guide into account management. Especifically, what to do in uncertain situations and with big name clients. Essentially, this is an entry level book on account management. I did find some of the examples and ideas to be helpful as they are the type of information that is simple but easy to forget.
I am trying to find out solutions to real world business challenges, and will be able to easily recall them when I am in a "sticky" situation. I want to conduct client relationships in a thoughtful, professional manner and learn how to really enjoy your business life at the same time. Overall, this book outlines the key fundamentals that make us good at what we do. On top of it all, it is an incredibly easy read. I would only recommend this book to newcomers in the advertising/account management field; however any veteran would find the advice useless.
2007年12月1日 星期六
1. 學會如何創造優質的聚餐時間,以及與顧客間的情感連結,將能改善生意上往來的關係,並為你帶來更多的業績
3. 信仰的價值:是真心關心朋友,關心客戶,關心他這個人, 而不是只把客戶當作搖錢的工具。 如果只是因為職位和工作而去巴結, 罪大惡極,毫無必要。
4. 不論是商業午餐或是晚上應酬,最重要的就是用心設想,細膩安排,製造讓人感動的美好經驗,這三點放諸四海皆準,且中外通用。
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